Personal, Social and Health Education is a school curriculum subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy, safe and prepared for life and work.
PSHE education also makes a unique contribution to safeguarding — helping schools to fulfil their statutory duty to teach pupils to keep themselves safe.
The PSHE Association
- Provide a framework in which sensitive discussions can take place.
- Prepare students for puberty and give them an understanding of sexual development and the importance of health and hygiene.
- Help students develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and empathy.
- Create a positive culture around issues of sexuality and relationships.
- Teach students the correct vocabulary to describe themselves and their bodies.
We work in partnership with outside agencies, such as Brook and Barnardo’s where we can, to support our young people in learning about and forging healthy relationships. When we value ourselves, we look after ourselves and make informed life decisions. At Treviglas, we want to educate and empower our students to do this.
Treviglas is also an Operation Encompass School, working in partnership with the police to break the cycle of domestic abuse. We have therefore designed our PSHE curriculum to include prevention and awareness work as part of Sex and Relationships Education in order to safeguard our young people from unhealthy relationships.
Further useful resources for parents can be found at:
The internet provides a vast range of resources and if used well, has many advantages. But, if you are worried that your child now needs to use the internet more frequently to access learning, or to keep in touch with friends, then being vigilant is a good idea...
The 3C's are a useful reminder of what to look out for:
Contact - Who are they contacting? How do you know? Are they behaving safely online with their own contact details?
Content - What are they accessing online? Are you happy that internet security settings in your home, or on their device, are keeping them safe?
Conduct - Is their behaviour online affecting them or others? Is it having a negative effect on them? Are you happy that they are not putting themselves at risk?
Here are the links to further advice and tips:
At Treviglas Academy, leading a healthy lifestyle is promoted across our curriculum and beyond. Students will participate in a wide range of activities, beneficial to their mental and physical health. Sport & Sport Leadership and The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and are just two examples of activities enjoyed by our students.
Students keeping good mental health is a priority for us. We talk about mental health and we teach about mental health. Our Wellbeing Team have excellent partnerships with a number of organisations locally and our students can access support when they need it. Our school dog is always keen for a walk and a talk, too!