All about me transition project
We know that many Year 6 teachers have already told pupils about the ‘All about me’ project. This is a piece of work that Year 6 students can complete in any format they wish. It will then be brought to Treviglas on your first day, and handed in to your form tutor. These projects will be shared in form during your first half-term, and we find they are a very positive way for everyone to get to know each other. The project can be completed in any way you wish: a poster, PowerPoint presentation, film, dance, piece of music, poem, creative writing, creative project such as art, photography, making something … The more imaginative the better! Include anything you would like to share about yourself, such as your interests, hobbies, pets, favourite things and anything else.
Some students have chosen to write letters about themselves to introduce themselves to their new form tutor. If you would like to do this as well, we would love to receive your letter. Please email it to Mrs Gilbert at and it will be passed on to your tutor.